  • Elfinkind Digest
    The oldest Otherkin oriented mailing list, this list always comes in digest form. Nothing is really off topic, as this list tends to be more social than anything else. The owner expects some things due mainly to the fact that he assembles the digest by hand. Don't post HTML messages there, or quote the whole digest. The Elfinkind Digest can be slow at times, but is prone to sudden outbreaks of high traffic. Probably a good list for just about any Otherkin.

  • Elven-Realities (2 reviews)
    This is a high traffic list usually. Designed to explore the realities of otherkin life. The topics range from high-level metaphysics to herbal remedies. Topics stay pretty much on track as the owner is fairly ruthless about eliminating topic degeneration. Not recommended for complete newbies, but they should probably visit once they get their feet wet.

    Another Review of Elven-Realities by Syleniel:
    I'd politely disagree with one thing in Gazer's review of Elven-Realities. The moderator is not very strict on thread degradation in my experience. It lends the list a more chatty tone in general, with occasional "serious" threads. Or at least they start off that way. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is a critical difference to some when looking for a list.

  • Hart and Ale By Syleniel
    This is an Otherkin list that has a "no rules" rule. Nothing is disallowed or off topic. Anyone is free to say what they want, and people are as free to respond. It's a fairly friendly list, although the crowd can get rowdy at times. Recommended for people who feel constricted by being told what they cannot or should not say. Not recommended for those who don't want a flame-OK list.

  • Kin Frontiers
    This is another high traffic list. Not as much Traffic as Elven-Realities, it is designed to specialize in the more esoteric side of Otherkin. This list stays fairly on topic, but does get occasional topic drift...usually to something even more esoteric. Not recommended for Newbies, but a good place for more involved discussion.

  • Kin Gathering Forum
    A very low traffic list, it was originially set up for gathering organizers to coordinate and discuss details of gathering setup. It has since evolved into more of a gathering announcement list. The description still assumes that it is following it's original purpose...so maybe if you are interested in that you can START the discussion.

  • The Lostkin Project
    A low traffic list for those otherkin seeking answers about themselves. Not exclusively a list for newbies, this list is supposed to be exploring the methods of awakening. A good concept which seems to be mostly failing in practice. It is, however, a good place to ask a "newbie" question and get a helpful answer.

  • Newkin
    This is a list for newbies. It is specifically set up to be place for the newly awakened to meet and discuss things with the more experienced Otherkin. This list is a moderate traffic list, and topic drift tends towards social. Recommended for newbies and anyone willing to answer the same questions over and over and over...8->

  • Olderkin By Syleniel
    This is an Otherkin list for people who are physically 30 years or older in this life. All issues faced by Otherkin of this age, including having / raising kids, & Awakening when you're well past adolescence and "growing up" are on topic.

  • Otherkin Reiki
    This list is set up to explore the interactions of Reiki energy work and Otherkin. It is mainly setup to stretch the boundries of "traditional" Reiki. A mid-traffic list, it generally stays on-topic. Discussions can get a bit high-level so I don't recommend this list unless you are either already doing Reiki work OR have a SERIOUS interest.

  • Oulawkin By Syleniel
    This is a list for Otherkin who are "outlaws", those who are "outside the law", as it were, those who are wild, untamable, rebellious & unconventional. Like the Hart and Ale, there is a "no rules" rule, although Outlawkin tends more toward rowdyness. Recommended for those who want a place to speak out, not recommended for those who don't want a flame-OK list.

  • Tuatha Pagans (2 reviews, 3 rebuttals, some editorial comments)
    "For those who walk a Tuatha De Dannan Path, either in heritage and or through paganism...." is how this list is described in part. It also has a statement about being a free list, with no one pulling strings or controlling you. If you join however, you find out that it is actually rather restricted. All new members must be approved by one of the moderators. The Welcome message you receive when trying to join mentions who will not be allowed to join (anyone with addresses from various Kin sites, and an unpublished list of individuals (of which I am one)).
    If you are actually allowed to join you then receive some of the other rules. Make an introductory post within two weeks or you are gone, and no lurking. No running to other lists with issues from the list. It is also against the rules to go on no mail without getting permission from the list owner, it is suggested instead to use the digest version.
    There is some good information here but it is buried in the archives and among personality issues posted on the list (disagreement with the owner may get you banned) , and the frequent repostings of the FAQ (which only answers one question) and The instructions to use the Digest version. The messages also have a HUGE block of urls added to each one.
    Summary: Not really worth the time, energy, or potential aggravation.

    Rebuttal of this review by Anara'Aname'Rae (The List Owner of TuathaPagans):
    Available on her site
    I must point out that some "facts" in her rebuttal are wrong. I do not live in Kitcherner, I am not female, and I am not Malcom or Rannirl. Also, the files were not "shared" I went and read the files and emails myself. The Block of URLS mentioned is 9 lines long (including spacing) and is appended to every message sent through the list. Other facts I would ask you to check for yourself, but since she has closed the archives of her list (even to members) you really have no way to do so. Judgeing by her comments on what "isn't" being done in the kin community, I suspect she just isn't reading a lot of the lists, those topics are frequently covered.

    Another review of TuathaPagans by RavenFeathers:
    Periodically I join new groups to see what new information I can find to help me as a journey along my life path. Reading the section provided by Tuatha Pagans I was impressed enough to look into it further. After a brief introduction of myself I was amazed not to find the typical good feelings of welcome from the list owner when I recommended Otherwonders.com to a fellow list member. The owner's response was swift and abrupt that she had not been treated well there and that she did not recommend the message forum.

    Shortly afterwards I was once again taken aback when I read my mail only to discover the list owner verbally attacking a list member over a difference in opinion regarding a publishing company. This surprised because in a prior mail the moderator suggested there was a no flaming rule for the list and all disagreements should be taken off list. But that was not the worst thing the mail the owner sent to the list was not only demeaning to the individual but demanded the poor girl apologize to her, because she was the list owner.

    The whole scenario was so bizarre and offensive the list lost quite a few members over it. Curious, like the bird I am named, I stayed on board only to be subject to emails regarding the list owner's personal life and less and less information about the tribe of Danu. In fact the information seemed geared more towards Pictish pagans and not the Tuatha de Dannan at all. My opinion is that despite the fact little bit of information crossing the list being good, there is not enough of it to take away from the fact the List owner seems to be a loose cannon with little to no regard for her members (Unless, of course, they all nod their head in agreement with her least face her wrath).

    Editors Note: I have been informed that TuathaPagans and it's moderator are not typical examples of the Pictish Pagan faith. For more general information on Pictish Paganism please visit The Pictish Cauldron.

    A rebuttal of this review by Anara'Aname'Rae:
    Available Here on her site.
    She also has some more comments Here.
    In answer to her questions and statements:(Which were at the above link but have since been removed)

    • "However, I must ask you something..what do you hope to proove by dissing our list on your web site reviews?"
      Actually, it's the list review section, I haven't reviewed your site. I hope to prove nothing, I am following the goal of THIS site and providing my opinions of various kin resources. I also allow other opinions, thus the links to your rebuttals, and RavenFeathers' review.
    • "Do you always let your emotions and pettiness for someone who defied you rule you so much you turn it into this?"
      The only emotion you elicite from me anymore is laughter, the only pettiness I have seen is yours. As for you have defied my rule, one would have to be a ruler to be defied, what you have done is lied about me and members of my list, and then refused to back up your lies with proof. All of MY statements can be backed up.
    • "You started this, not I"
      Not a question I realize, but all I did was post my opinion of your list, which was garnered by actually reading on your list.
    • "My list site should not even be in your reviews, and if you were honest in your site list reviews you would be honest about your own list. DO look for its review here in the coming weeks."
      It is an Otherkin related resource, thus it falls well within the parameters of the site. As for being honest with my own list review, I believe I was. If you have a differing view then please do feel free to post your own review, in fact, feel free to send me a copy to put on this site. I will be glad to put it right there with my own review of my list. We have an open submission policy. But, the only list of mine that I have reviewed is not one you have been a member of, perhaps you are thinking of the site review of TirNanOc.org?

    Yet another rebuttal by Anara'Aname'Rae:
    Available Here on her Site
    My Comments:
    Reviews are not copyright infringement. They fall under Fair Use. Please see: Legal Information Institute's Page on Fair Use
    As for me attacking her, check the Vampkin Archives (it's on YahooGroups).
    Tracy Hite is not Tiernan. Tracy Hite is in fact my Lifemate and Wife. She is listed as the Owner of TirNanOc.org because she was the one of us available when the time came to register the domain.
    Last Note From Editor: This list is no longer available. According to the web page of the list owner it is defunct.